NAPREJ, Centre for Persons with Aquired Brain Injury is a non-profit organization from Slovenia. Our field of expertise is long-term psychosocial and health rehabilitation after acquired brain injury. All the services and programmes that we perform (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychological, social and health care, employment under special conditions) are designed to increase active participation of users in society and to raise the quality of their lives as well as the lives of their families. An important field of our work are various preventive, counselling, and educational programmes intended to special groups and the general public. Besides our users we devote special care to their families – we include them to all phases of the rehabilitation process, providing them counselling and support. The rehabilitation programmes take place at two different units in Maribor and Murska Sobota.
Our service users are people who have experienced severe brain injury, have a disability status, and need different type of assistance for daily living.
Center Naprej holds an important role through its work and implementation of services, the role of integrating people with acquired brain injury (hereinafter referred to as ABI) in the local and wider social environment. Definitely, this is a very sensitive area, since we are talking about the people who are the most vulnerable and threatened part of society in the provision of declared rights, because they themselves most often cannot defend and demand their own rights. As an inclusive institution Center Naprej encourages participation, not competition, look for solutions that are beneficial to all, considering their impairments, prepares for relationships and life in the community, establishes new relationships, connects an individual with others, enhances respect and understanding one another, is directed towards the needs of the individual – satisfying what is possible within or outside the institution.
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